Collectorz com movie collector pro
Collectorz com movie collector pro

collectorz com movie collector pro

The tool is also able to list all episodes (e.g. What's more, the information can be printed or exported to HTML, XML, plain text format, or other file formats, and you can view pie and bar charts, and sort movies by title, genre, and rating, The application grabs movie information from its online database, and you can also manually edit the information about the movie, such as title, country, language, genre, studio, rating, cast and crew, edition, episodes, cover images, plot, notes, and links. Movie Collector gives you the possibility to add movies to the database by title, new releases or most popular items, group movies into folders, perform searches throughout the entire database, catalogue DVDs by their barcode, and scan your folders for movie titles.

collectorz com movie collector pro

The user interface may seem a bit crowded at a fist glance but this is only because the program comes packed with a multitude of dedicated parameters.


Movie Collector Pro is a professional software application designed to help you create a movie database which contains detailed information about each movie and loaned items.

Collectorz com movie collector pro